Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Before use this module, create ``accounts.yml`` file.
And edit account information in the file.
# import shutil
import datetime
import importlib
import inspect
import os
from pathlib import Path

# import sys

    # IHEClassInitError, IHEStringError, IHETypeError, IHEKeyError, IHEFileError
    from .base.exception import IHEClassInitError,\
except ImportError:
    from IHEWAcollect.base.exception import IHEClassInitError,\

    from .base.user import User
except ImportError:
    from IHEWAcollect.base.user import User

[docs]class Download(User): """Download class After initialise the class, data downloading will automatically start. Args: workspace (str): Directory to accounts.yml. product (str): Product name. version (str): Version name. parameter (str): Parameter name. resolution (str): Resolution name. variable (str): Variable name. bbox (dict): Spatial range, {'w':, 's':, 'e':, 'n':}. period (dict): Time range, {'s':, 'e':}. nodata (int): -9999. is_status (bool): Is to print status message. kwargs (dict): Other arguments. """ status = 'Global status.' __status = { 'messages': { 0: 'S: WA.Download {f:>20} : status {c}, {m}', 1: 'E: WA.Download {f:>20} : status {c}: {m}', 2: 'W: WA.Download {f:>20} : status {c}: {m}', }, 'code': 0, 'message': '', 'is_print': True } __conf = { 'path': '', 'is_save_temp': False, 'is_save_remote': False, 'is_save_list': True, 'time': { 'start': None, 'now': None, 'end': None }, 'account': { 'name': '', 'data': {} }, 'product': { 'name': '', 'version': '', 'parameter': '', 'resolution': '', 'variable': '', 'bbox': {}, 'period': {}, 'nodata': -9999, 'template': '', 'url': '', 'protocol': '', 'method': '', 'freq': '', 'data': {} }, 'folder': { 'r': '', 't': '', 'l': '' }, 'log': { 'name': 'log.{var}.{res}.{prod}.txt', 'file': '{path}/log-.txt', 'fp': None, 'status': -1, # -1: not found, 0: closed, 1: opened } } __tmp = { 'name': '', 'module': None, 'data': {} } def __init__(self, workspace='', product='', version='', parameter='', resolution='', variable='', acct_path=str(Path(__file__).parents[0]), bbox={}, period={}, nodata=-9999, is_status=True, is_save_temp=False, is_save_remote=False, is_save_list=False, **kwargs): """Class instantiation """ tmp_product_conf = { 'version': version, 'parameter': parameter, 'resolution': resolution, 'variable': variable } vname, rtype, vdata = 'acct_path', str, acct_path if self.check_input(vname, rtype, vdata): self.__status['acct_path'] = vdata else: self.__status['code'] = 1 # Class self.__status['is_print'] vname, rtype, vdata = 'is_status', bool, is_status if self.check_input(vname, rtype, vdata): self.__status['is_print'] = vdata else: self.__status['code'] = 1 vname, rtype, vdata = 'is_save_temp', bool, is_save_temp if self.check_input(vname, rtype, vdata): self.__conf['is_save_temp'] = vdata else: self.__status['code'] = 1 vname, rtype, vdata = 'is_save_remote', bool, is_save_remote if self.check_input(vname, rtype, vdata): self.__conf['is_save_remote'] = vdata else: self.__status['code'] = 1 vname, rtype, vdata = 'is_save_list', bool, is_save_list if self.check_input(vname, rtype, vdata): self.__conf['is_save_list'] = vdata else: self.__status['code'] = 1 # Class self.__conf['path'] vname, rtype, vdata = 'workspace', str, workspace if self.check_input(vname, rtype, vdata): path = vdata # path = os.path.join(vdata, 'IHEWAcollect') if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) self.__conf['path'] = path else: self.__status['code'] = 1 rtype = str for vname, vdata in tmp_product_conf.items(): if self.check_input(vname, rtype, vdata): self.__conf['product'][vname] = vdata else: self.__status['code'] = 1 self.__conf['product']['bbox'] = bbox self.__conf['product']['period'] = period self.__conf['product']['nodata'] = nodata # super(Download, self).__init__(**kwargs) if self.__status['code'] == 0: User.__init__(self, acct_path, product, is_status, **kwargs) else: raise IHEClassInitError('Download') from None # Class Download if self.__status['code'] == 0: self._download_init() self._download_prepare() self._download_start() self._download_finish() self.__status['message'] = '' else: raise IHEClassInitError('Download') from None def _set_status(self, fun='', prt=False, ext=''): """Set status Args: fun (str): Function name. prt (bool): Is to print on screen? ext (str): Extra message. """ self.status = self._status(self.__status['messages'], self.__status['code'], fun, prt, ext) def _download_init(self) -> int: """ Returns: int: Status. """ status = -1 self._time() self._account() self._product() return status def _download_prepare(self) -> int: """ Returns: int: Status. """ status = -1 self._folder() self._log() self._template() return status def _download_start(self) -> int: """ Returns: int: Status. """ status = -1 self.__tmp['module'].DownloadData(self.__status, self.__conf) # self.__tmp['module'].download() # self.__tmp['module'].convert() # self.__tmp['module'].saveas() # self.__tmp['module'].clean() return status def _download_finish(self) -> int: """ Returns: int: Status. """ status = -1 self._log_close() # self._folder_clean() folder = self.__conf['folder'] if not next(os.scandir(folder['r']), None): os.rmdir(folder['r']) if not next(os.scandir(folder['t']), None): os.rmdir(folder['t']) return status def _time(self) -> dict: """ Returns: int: Status. """ # Class self.__conf['time'] time = self.__conf['time'] if self.__status['code'] == 0: now = self.__conf['time']['start'] = now self.__conf['time']['now'] = now self.__conf['time']['end'] = now return time def _account(self) -> dict: """ Returns: dict: account. """ # Class self.__conf['account'] <- User.account account = self.__conf['account'] if self.__status['code'] == 0: account['name'] = self._User__conf['account']['name'] account['data'] = self._User__conf['account']['data'] self.__conf['account']['name'] = account['name'] self.__conf['account']['data'] = account['data'] return account def _product(self) -> dict: """ Returns: dict: product. """ # Class self.__conf['product'] <- Base.product product = self.__conf['product'] version = product['version'] parameter = product['parameter'] resolution = product['resolution'] variable = product['variable'] if self.__status['code'] == 0: product['name'] = \ self._Base__conf['product']['name'] product['data'] = \ self._Base__conf['product']['data'] product['template'] = \ self._Base__conf['product']['data'][ 'template'] product['url'] = \ self._Base__conf['product']['data'][ version][parameter][resolution]['url'] product['protocol'] = \ self._Base__conf['product']['data'][ version][parameter][resolution]['protocol'] product['method'] = \ self._Base__conf['product']['data'][ version][parameter][resolution]['method'] product['freq'] = \ self._Base__conf['product']['data'][ version][parameter][resolution]['freq'] keys = product['data'].keys() if version not in keys: self.__status['code'] = 1 raise IHEKeyError(version, keys) from None keys = product['data'][ version].keys() if parameter not in keys: self.__status['code'] = 1 raise IHEKeyError(parameter, keys) from None keys = product['data'][ version][parameter].keys() if resolution not in keys: self.__status['code'] = 1 raise IHEKeyError(resolution, keys) from None keys = product['data'][ version][parameter][resolution]['variables'].keys() if variable not in keys: self.__status['code'] = 1 raise IHEKeyError(variable, keys) from None self.__conf['product']['name'] = product['name'] self.__conf['product']['data'] = product['data'][ version][parameter][resolution]['variables'][variable] return product def _folder(self) -> dict: folder = self.__conf['folder'] # Define folder if self.__status['code'] == 0: workspace = self.__conf['path'] variable = self.__conf['product']['variable'] # _parameter_ / _resolution_ / _variable_ / _product_ \_ _version_ path = os.path.join(workspace, variable) folder = { 'r': os.path.join(path, 'remote'), 't': os.path.join(path, 'temporary'), 'l': path # 'l': os.path.join(path, 'download') } for key, value in folder.items(): if not os.path.exists(value): os.makedirs(value) self.__conf['folder'] = folder return folder def _folder_clean(self): statue = 1 # shutil # re = glob.glob(os.path.join(folder['r'], '*')) # for f in re: # os.remove(os.path.join(folder['r'], f)) # for r, d, f in os.walk(path): # for file in f: # if '.txt' in file: # files.append(os.path.join(r, file)) return statue def _log(self) -> dict: """ Returns: dict: log. """ # Class self.__conf['log'] status = -1 log = self.__conf['log'] product = self.__conf['product']['name'] resolution = self.__conf['product']['resolution'] variable = self.__conf['product']['variable'] if self.__status['code'] == 0: path = self.__conf['path'] # time = self.__conf['time']['start'] # time_str = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') fname = log['name'].format(prod=product, var=variable, res=resolution) file = os.path.join(path, fname) # -1: not found, 0: closed, 1: opened fp = self._log_create(file) self.__conf['log']['fname'] = fname self.__conf['log']['file'] = file self.__conf['log']['fp'] = fp self.__conf['log']['status'] = status return log def _log_create(self, file): time = time_str = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') self.__conf['time']['now'] = time print('Create log file "{f}"'.format(f=file)) txt = '{t}: IHEWAcollect'.format(t=time_str) fp = open(file, 'w+') fp.write('{}\n'.format(txt)) for key, value in self.__conf['product'].items(): if key != 'data': fp.write('{:>26s}: {}\n'.format(key, str(value))) return fp def _log_close(self): time = time_str = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') self.__conf['time']['now'] = time file = self.__conf['log']['file'] fp = self.__conf['log']['fp'] print('Close log file "{f}"'.format(f=file)) txt = '{t}: IHEWAcollect finished.'.format(t=time_str) fp.write('{}\n'.format(txt)) fp.close() self.__conf['log']['fp'] = None def _template(self) -> dict: """ Returns: dict: template. """ # Class self.__tmp <- Base.product template = self.__tmp if self.__status['code'] == 0: product = self.__conf['product'] module_name_base = '{tmp}.{prod}'.format( tmp=self._Base__conf['product']['data']['template'], prod=product['name']) # Load module # module_obj = None module_name = template['name'] module_obj = template['module'] if module_obj is None: is_reload_module = False else: if module_name == module_name_base: is_reload_module = True else: is_reload_module = False template['name'] = module_name_base if is_reload_module: print('Reloading module ' '.{p}.{m}'.format(p=product['template'], m=product['name'])) try: module_obj = importlib.reload(module_obj) except ImportError: raise IHEClassInitError('Templates') from None else: template['module'] = module_obj else: print('Loading module ' '{p}.{m}'.format(p=product['template'], m=product['name'])) # importlib.import_module('.ALEXI', # '.templates.IHE') # # importlib.import_module('templates.IHE.ALEXI') # importlib.import_module('IHEWAcollect.templates.IHE.ALEXI') try: # def template_load(self) -> dict: if('MOD' in product['name']): # product['name'] = 'MODIS_products' module_obj = \ importlib.import_module('IHEWAcollect.templates' '.{p}.{n}'.format( p=product['template'], n='MODIS_products')) else: module_obj = \ importlib.import_module('.{m}'.format(m=product['name']), '.templates.{p}'.format( p=product['template'])) # print('Loaded module from .templates.{p}.{m}'.format( # p=product['template'], # m=template['name'])) except ImportError: # if('MOD' in product['name']): # # product['name'] = 'MODIS_products' # module_obj = \ # importlib.import_module('IHEWAcollect.templates' # '.{p}.{n}'.format( # p=product['template'], # n=product['name'])) # else: module_obj = \ importlib.import_module('IHEWAcollect.templates' '.{p}.{n}'.format( p=product['template'], n=product['name'])) # print('Loaded module from .templates.{p}.{n}'.format( # p=product['template'], # n=product['name'])) finally: # def template_init(self) -> dict: if module_obj is not None: template['module'] = module_obj else: raise IHEClassInitError('Templates') from None self.__tmp['name'] = template['name'] self.__tmp['module'] = template['module'] return template
[docs] def get_products(self) -> dict: """Get details of all products Returns: dict: Products data. """ products = self._Base__conf['data']['products'] # import pandas as pd # df_products = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(products) # print(df_products) str_col = ['id', 'product', 'account', 'protocol', 'version', 'parameter', 'resolution', 'variable', 'lat_s', 'lat_n', 'lat_r', 'lon_w', 'lon_e', 'lon_r', 'time_s', 'time_e'] str_size = 10 print('') # str_fmt = '' # str_fmt_cel = '{col[%d]:>' + str(str_size) + '}%s' # for icol in range(len(str_col)): # str_fmt += str_fmt_cel % (icol, ', ') # str_fmt += '' # print(str_fmt.format(col=str_col)) # ================= # # ReStructured Text # # ================= # # str_tmp = '' # for icol in range(len(str_col)): # str_tmp += '+{sep:->' + str(str_size + 2) + 's}' # str_tmp += '+' # print(str_tmp.format(sep='')) # str_tmp = '' # str_tmp_cel = '| {col[%d]:>' + str(str_size) + '}%s' # for icol in range(len(str_col)): # str_tmp += str_tmp_cel % (icol, ' ') # str_tmp += '|' # print(str_tmp.format(col=str_col)) # str_tmp = '' # for icol in range(len(str_col)): # str_tmp += '+{sep:=>' + str(str_size + 2) + 's}' # str_tmp += '+' # print(str_tmp.format(sep='')) # ============================= # # .. csv-table:: Product Detail # # ============================= # str_tmp = '.. csv-table:: Product Detail' print(str_tmp) str_tmp = ' :header: ' str_tmp_cel = '"{col[%d]}"%s' for icol in range(len(str_col) - 1): str_tmp += str_tmp_cel % (icol, ',') str_tmp += str_tmp_cel % (len(str_col) - 1, '') print(str_tmp.format(col=str_col)) str_tmp = ' :widths: ' str_tmp_cel = '%d%s' for icol in range(len(str_col) - 1): str_tmp += str_tmp_cel % (str_size, ',') str_tmp += str_tmp_cel % (str_size, '\n') print(str_tmp) i = 0 for pd_n, pd_d in products.items(): pd_a = pd_d['account'] for pd_ver_n, pd_ver_d in pd_d.items(): if pd_ver_n not in ['account', 'template', 'meta']: for pd_par_n, pd_par_d in pd_ver_d.items(): for pd_res_n, pd_res_d in pd_par_d.items(): pd_res_d_pro = pd_res_d['protocol'] for pd_var_n, pd_var_d in pd_res_d['variables'].items(): i += 1 # pd_var_d_nam = pd_var_d['name'] pd_var_d_lat_s = pd_var_d['lat']['s'] pd_var_d_lat_n = pd_var_d['lat']['n'] pd_var_d_lat_r = pd_var_d['lat']['r'] pd_var_d_lon_w = pd_var_d['lon']['w'] pd_var_d_lon_e = pd_var_d['lon']['e'] pd_var_d_lon_r = pd_var_d['lon']['r'] pd_var_d_tim_s = pd_var_d['time']['s'] pd_var_d_tim_e = pd_var_d['time']['e'] str_col = [i, pd_n, pd_a, pd_res_d_pro, pd_ver_n, pd_par_n, pd_res_n, pd_var_n, pd_var_d_lat_s, pd_var_d_lat_n, pd_var_d_lat_r, pd_var_d_lon_w, pd_var_d_lon_e, pd_var_d_lon_r, pd_var_d_tim_s, pd_var_d_tim_e] for j in range(len(str_col)): if isinstance(str_col[j], datetime.datetime): str_col[j] = str_col[j].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if str_col[j] is None: str_col[j] = 'None' str_col[j] = str(str_col[j]) if len(str_col[j]) > str_size: str_col[j] = str_col[j][0:str_size - 1] + '~' # print(str_fmt.format(col=str_col)) # ================= # # ReStructured Text # ================= # # str_tmp = '' # for icol in range(len(str_col)): # str_tmp += '+{sep:->' + str(str_size + 2) + 's}' # str_tmp += '+' # print(str_tmp.format(sep='')) # ============================= # # .. csv-table:: Product Detail # # ============================= # str_tmp = ' ' str_tmp_cel = '{col[%d]}%s' for icol in range(len(str_col) - 1): str_tmp += str_tmp_cel % (icol, ',') str_tmp += str_tmp_cel % (len(str_col) - 1, '') print(str_tmp.format(col=str_col)) return products
if __name__ == "__main__": print('\nDownload\n=====') path = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname( inspect.getfile( inspect.currentframe())), '../', '../', 'tests' ) area_bbox = { 'w': 118.0642363480000085, 'n': 10.4715946960000679, 'e': 126.6049655970000458, 's': 4.5872944970000731 } nodata = -9999 test_args = { # '1a': { # 'product': 'ALEXI', # 'version': 'v1', # 'parameter': 'evapotranspiration', # 'resolution': 'daily', # 'variable': 'ETA', # 'bbox': { # 'w': -19.0, # 'n': 38.0, # 'e': 55.0, # 's': -35.0 # }, # 'period': { # 's': '2005-01-01', # 'e': '2005-01-02' # }, # 'nodata': -9999 # } '15a': { 'product': 'MCD12Q1', 'version': 'v6', 'parameter': 'land', 'resolution': 'yearly', 'variable': 'LC', 'bbox': area_bbox, 'period': { 's': '2008-01-01', 'e': '2008-12-31' }, 'nodata': nodata }, '15b': { 'product': 'MCD12Q1', 'version': 'v6', 'parameter': 'land', 'resolution': 'yearly', 'variable': 'LU', 'bbox': area_bbox, 'period': { 's': '2008-01-01', 'e': '2008-12-31' }, 'nodata': nodata }, '16a': { 'product': 'MCD43A3', 'version': 'v6', 'parameter': 'land', 'resolution': 'daily', 'variable': 'AlbedoBSA', 'bbox': area_bbox, 'period': { 's': '2008-01-01', 'e': '2008-01-02' }, 'nodata': nodata }, '16b': { 'product': 'MCD43A3', 'version': 'v6', 'parameter': 'land', 'resolution': 'daily', 'variable': 'AlbedoWSA', 'bbox': area_bbox, 'period': { 's': '2008-01-01', 'e': '2008-01-02' }, 'nodata': nodata }, '17a': { 'product': 'MOD09GQ', 'version': 'v6', 'parameter': 'land', 'resolution': 'daily', 'variable': 'REFb01', 'bbox': area_bbox, 'period': { 's': '2008-01-01', 'e': '2008-01-02' }, 'nodata': nodata }, '17b': { 'product': 'MOD09GQ', 'version': 'v6', 'parameter': 'land', 'resolution': 'daily', 'variable': 'REFb02', 'bbox': area_bbox, 'period': { 's': '2008-01-01', 'e': '2008-01-02' }, 'nodata': nodata }, '18a': { 'product': 'MOD10A2', 'version': 'v6', 'parameter': 'land', 'resolution': 'eight_daily', 'variable': 'SnowFrac', 'bbox': area_bbox, 'period': { 's': '2008-01-01', 'e': '2008-01-09' }, 'nodata': nodata }, '18b': { 'product': 'MOD10A2', 'version': 'v6', 'parameter': 'land', 'resolution': 'eight_daily', 'variable': 'SnowExt', 'bbox': area_bbox, 'period': { 's': '2008-01-01', 'e': '2008-01-09' }, 'nodata': nodata }, '19a': { 'product': 'MOD11A2', 'version': 'v6', 'parameter': 'land', 'resolution': 'eight_daily', 'variable': 'LSTday', 'bbox': area_bbox, 'period': { 's': '2008-01-01', 'e': '2008-01-09' }, 'nodata': nodata }, '19b': { 'product': 'MOD11A2', 'version': 'v6', 'parameter': 'land', 'resolution': 'eight_daily', 'variable': 'LSTnight', 'bbox': area_bbox, 'period': { 's': '2008-01-01', 'e': '2008-01-09' }, 'nodata': nodata }, '20a': { 'product': 'MOD13Q1', 'version': 'v6', 'parameter': 'land', 'resolution': 'sixteen_daily', 'variable': 'NDVI', 'bbox': area_bbox, 'period': { 's': '2008-01-01', 'e': '2008-01-17' }, 'nodata': nodata }, '21a': { 'product': 'MOD15A2H', 'version': 'v6', 'parameter': 'land', 'resolution': 'eight_daily', 'variable': 'Fpar', 'bbox': area_bbox, 'period': { 's': '2008-01-01', 'e': '2008-01-09' }, 'nodata': nodata }, '21b': { 'product': 'MOD15A2H', 'version': 'v6', 'parameter': 'land', 'resolution': 'eight_daily', 'variable': 'Lai', 'bbox': area_bbox, 'period': { 's': '2008-01-01', 'e': '2008-01-09' }, 'nodata': nodata }, '22a': { 'product': 'MOD16A2', 'version': 'v6', 'parameter': 'evapotranspiration', 'resolution': 'eight_daily', 'variable': 'ETA', 'bbox': area_bbox, 'period': { 's': '2008-01-01', 'e': '2008-01-09' }, 'nodata': nodata }, '22b': { 'product': 'MOD16A2', 'version': 'v6', 'parameter': 'evapotranspiration', 'resolution': 'eight_daily', 'variable': 'ETP', 'bbox': area_bbox, 'period': { 's': '2008-01-01', 'e': '2008-01-09' }, 'nodata': nodata }, '23a': { 'product': 'MOD17A2H', 'version': 'v6', 'parameter': 'land', 'resolution': 'eight_daily', 'variable': 'GPP', 'bbox': area_bbox, 'period': { 's': '2008-01-01', 'e': '2008-01-09' }, 'nodata': nodata }, '24a': { 'product': 'MYD13', 'version': 'v6', 'parameter': 'land', 'resolution': 'sixteen_daily', 'variable': 'NDVI', 'bbox': area_bbox, 'period': { 's': '2008-01-01', 'e': '2008-01-18' }, 'nodata': nodata }, '32a': { 'product': 'CSR', 'version': 'v3.1', 'parameter': 'grace', 'resolution': 'daily', 'variable': 'EWH', 'bbox': area_bbox, 'period': { 's': '2005-01-01', 'e': '2005-01-02' # 's': '2004-12-01', # 'e': '2013-01-01' }, 'nodata': nodata }, '32b': { 'product': 'CSR', 'version': 'v3.2', 'parameter': 'grace', 'resolution': 'daily', 'variable': 'EWH', 'bbox': area_bbox, 'period': { 's': '2019-01-01', 'e': '2019-01-02' }, 'nodata': nodata }, '33a': { 'product': 'GFZ', 'version': 'v3.1', 'parameter': 'grace', 'resolution': 'daily', 'variable': 'EWH', 'bbox': area_bbox, 'period': { 's': '2005-01-01', 'e': '2005-01-02' # 's': '2004-12-01', # 'e': '2013-01-01' }, 'nodata': nodata }, '33b': { 'product': 'GFZ', 'version': 'v3.2', 'parameter': 'grace', 'resolution': 'daily', 'variable': 'EWH', 'bbox': area_bbox, 'period': { 's': '2019-01-01', 'e': '2019-01-02' }, 'nodata': nodata }, '34a': { 'product': 'JPL', 'version': 'v3.1', 'parameter': 'grace', 'resolution': 'daily', 'variable': 'EWH', 'bbox': area_bbox, 'period': { 's': '2005-01-01', 'e': '2005-01-02' # 's': '2004-12-01', # 'e': '2013-01-01' }, 'nodata': nodata }, '34b': { 'product': 'JPL', 'version': 'v3.2', 'parameter': 'grace', 'resolution': 'daily', 'variable': 'EWH', 'bbox': area_bbox, 'period': { 's': '2019-01-01', 'e': '2019-01-02' }, 'nodata': nodata }, } # Download __init__ for key, value in test_args.items(): print('\n{:>4s}' '{:>20s}{:>6s}{:>20s}{:>20s}{:>20s}\n' '{:->90s}'.format(key, value['product'], value['version'], value['parameter'], value['resolution'], value['variable'], '-')) download = Download(workspace=path, product=value['product'], version=value['version'], parameter=value['parameter'], resolution=value['resolution'], variable=value['variable'], bbox=value['bbox'], period=value['period'], nodata=value['nodata'], is_status=True, is_save_temp=True, is_save_remote=True, is_save_list=True ) download.get_products() # download.generate_encrypt() # import yaml # fp = open(os.path.join(path, 'config.yml'), 'w+') # yaml.dump(test_args, fp, # default_flow_style=False, sort_keys=False, # allow_unicode=True) # ##### # # ECMWF # # ##### # from ecmwfapi import ECMWFDataServer file_conn_auth = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".ecmwfapirc") with open(file_conn_auth, 'w+') as fp: fp.write('{{"url": "{m}", "key": "{k}", "email": "{u}"}}'.format( m='', u='', k='4fe81af725d8f7647e10d35cadf7825e' )) server = ECMWFDataServer() server.retrieve({ # Specify the ERA-Interim data archive. Don't change. "stream": "oper", "dataset": "interim", # all available parameters, for codes see "param": "60.128/129.128/130.128/131.128/132.128/133.128/135.128/138.128/155.128/157.128/203.128/246.128/247.128/248.128", "step": "3/6/9/12/15/18/21/24/30/36/42/48/60/72/84/96/108/120/132/144/156/168/180/192/204/216/228/240", # in 0.75 degrees lat/lon "grid": "0.75/0.75", # optionally restrict area to Europe (in N/W/S/E). "time": "00:00:00/12:00:00", # two days worth of data "date": "2016-01-01/to/2016-01-02", # forecast (type:fc), from both daily forecast runs (time) with all available forecast steps (step, in hours) "type": "fc", "class": "ei", # "area": "75/-20/10/60", # "format" : "netcdf", # Optionally get output in NetCDF format. However, for NetCDF timestamps (time+step) must not overlap, so use e.g. "time":"00:00:00/12:00:00","step":"12" # set an output file name 'target': "era40_2002-08-01to2002-08-31_00061218.grib", "levelist": "1/2/3/5/7/10/20/30/50/70/100/125/150/175/200/225/250/300/350/400/450/500/550/600/650/700/750/775/800/825/850/875/900/925/950/975/1000", # pressure levels (levtype:pl), all available levels (levelist) "levtype": "pl", "expver": "1", }) # ### # # CDS # # ### # # import cdsapi # # file_conn_auth = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".cdsapirc") # with open(file_conn_auth, 'w+') as fp: # fp.write('url: {m} key: {u}:{k}'.format( # m='', # u='17821', # k='5e791c0b-9c10-4167-b849-402b0947aea9' # )) # # c = cdsapi.Client() # # c.retrieve( # 'reanalysis-era5-pressure-levels', # { # 'product_type': 'reanalysis', # 'variable': 'temperature', # 'pressure_level': '1000', # 'year': '2008', # 'month': '01', # 'day': '01', # 'time': '12:00', # 'format': 'netcdf', # Supported format: grib and netcdf. Default: grib # 'area': [60, -10, 50, 2], # # North, West, South, East. Default: global # 'grid': [1.0, 1.0], # # Latitude/longitude grid. Default: 0.25 x 0.25 # }, # '') # Output file. Adapt as you wish.