Source code for IHEWAcollect.templates.util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Utilities for IHEWAcollect template modules.


    from IHEWAcollect.templates.util import Extract, Plot, Waitbar, Log
# import inspect
import os
import sys
# import shutil
# import datetime

import gzip
import tarfile
import zipfile

import numpy as np
# import pandas as pd

# try:
#     # IHEClassInitError, IHEStringError, IHETypeError, IHEKeyError, IHEFileError
#     from .exception import \
#         IHEStringError, IHETypeError, IHEKeyError, IHEFileError
# except ImportError:
#     from IHEWAcollect.base.exception \
#         import IHEStringError, IHETypeError, IHEKeyError, IHEFileError

[docs]class Extract(object): """Extract class File pre-process, extract. Args: file (str): File. folder (str): Folder. is_print (bool): Is to print status message. """ __status = { 'messages': { 0: 'S: WA.Extract {f:>20} : status {c}, {m}', 1: 'E: WA.Extract {f:>20} : status {c}: {m}', 2: 'W: WA.Extract {f:>20} : status {c}: {m}', }, 'code': 0, 'message': '', 'is_print': True } __conf = { 'file': { 'i': '', 'o': '' }, 'folder': { 'i': '', 'o': '' } } def __init__(self, file, folder, is_print): """Class instantiation """ self.__status['is_print'] = is_print self.__conf['file'] = file self.__conf['folder'] = folder
[docs] def zip(self): """Extract zip file This function extract zip file. Args: file (str): Name of the file that must be unzipped. outfile (str): Directory where the unzipped data must be stored. """ z = zipfile.ZipFile(self.__conf['file']['i'], 'r') z.extractall(self.__conf['folder']['o']) z.close()
[docs] def gz(self): """Extract gz file This function extract gz file. Args: file (str): Name of the file that must be unzipped. outfile (str): Directory where the unzipped data must be stored. """ with gzip.GzipFile(self.__conf['file']['i'], 'rb') as zf: file_content = save_file_content = open(self.__conf['file']['o'], 'wb') save_file_content.write(file_content) save_file_content.close() zf.close()
# os.remove(ifile)
[docs] def tar(self): """Extract tar file This function extract tar file. Args: file (str): Name of the file that must be unzipped. outfile (str): Directory where the unzipped data must be stored. """ os.chdir(self.__conf['folder']['o']) tar =['file']['i'], "r:gz") tar.extractall() tar.close()
[docs]class Plot(object): """Plot class File post-process, save or show. Args: data file folder is_print (bool): Is to print status message. is_save (bool): Is to save files in the folder. is_show (bool): Is to show files in the folder. """ __status = { 'messages': { 0: 'S: WA.Plot {f:>20} : status {c}, {m}', 1: 'E: WA.Plot {f:>20} : status {c}: {m}', 2: 'W: WA.Plot {f:>20} : status {c}: {m}', }, 'code': 0, 'message': '', 'is_print': True } __conf = { 'name': '', 'data': np.ndarray, 'file': { 'i': '', 'o': '' }, 'folder': { 'i': '', 'o': '' }, 'is_save': False, 'is_show': False } def __init__(self, data, file, folder, is_print, is_save, is_show): self.__status['is_print'] = is_print self.__conf['data'] = data self.__conf['file'] = file self.__conf['folder'] = folder self.__conf['is_save'] = is_save self.__conf['is_show'] = is_show
[docs]class Waitbar(object): """Waitbar class Waitbar on the cmd window. Args: is_print (bool): Is to print status message. """ __status = { 'messages': { 0: 'S: WA.Waitbar {f:>20} : status {c}, {m}', 1: 'E: WA.Waitbar {f:>20} : status {c}: {m}', 2: 'W: WA.Waitbar {f:>20} : status {c}: {m}', }, 'code': 0, 'message': '', 'is_print': True } __conf = { 'statue': { 's': 0, 'e': 100, 'i': 0, } } def __init__(self, is_print): """Class instantiation """ self.__status['is_print'] = is_print
[docs] @staticmethod def wait_bar(i, total, prefix='', suffix='', decimals=1, length=100, fill='█'): """Wait Bar Console This function will print a waitbar in the console Args: i (int): Iteration number. total (int): Total iterations. prefix (str): Prefix name of bar. suffix (str): Suffix name of bar. decimals (int): Decimal of the wait bar. length (int): Width of the wait bar. fill (str): Bar fill. """ # Adjust when it is a linux computer if == 'posix' and total == 0: total = 0.0001 percent = ('{0:.' + str(decimals) + 'f}').format(100 * (i / float(total))) filled = int(length * i // total) bar = fill * filled + '-' * (length - filled) sys.stdout.write('\r%s |%s| %s%% %s' % (prefix, bar, percent, suffix)) sys.stdout.flush() if i == total: print()
[docs]class Log(object): """Log class Write message to log file. Args: config (dict): Is to print status message. """ __conf = {} data = {} def __init__(self, config, **kwargs): self.__conf = config
[docs] def write(self, time, msg=''): txt = '{t}: {msg}'.format(t=time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'), msg=msg) self.__conf['fp'].write('{}\n'.format(txt))